22 August 2009

London- 3 day excursion....

i'll start from the beginning-

i guess you could call it an excursion- but i like to think of it as an extended layover...in LONDON!
Thursday morning at around 7 (which is 2 am in the states) we arrived in London. then we romped around and discovered that our room wouldn't be ready till 2. so, exhausted and a little bit worn we tredged on through the city. the 5 others that i was with had never been so they wanted to see Everything (emphasis on the everything). i just wanted a bed. however, we eventually got our room and i was happy :-D

then friday we continued to run around the city- and owing to more sleep and a shower i was much more obliged to do so. we took a bus tour to all the great sites.
we visited the queen- she was pretty awesome.
we visited westminster- lots of dead people.
we visited st. paul- pretty impressive, but he cost too much, so we didn't go in.
and we even visited the tower bridge. it's not the one falling down. fortunately.

then we went shopping. i didn't buy anything because i have no money (at least not that i want to spend in London).

that night we went to an indian restaurant for dinner where we bothered the owners. poor guys. our cards wouldn't go through (we didn't have pounds on us so we had no other way of payment...) and then he felt bad and gave us glassware in return (they're really awesome glasses, i'm pretty pumped!)...we got our picture taken with him so we'll always remember that night (not that a picture was needed to remember it...haha)
the food was great there though! and they forced (yes mom, forced) indian beer on us, and it was delicious.

then we went out to a pub. quite the experience. quite a few germans, italians, londoners, and of course americans mushed together into a little room. really noisy. but fun.

then that leads me to now. saturday morning
in an hour we leave to fly out of London to finally head to Italy. we should get there around 8 tonight and then tomorrow morning we'll have our Orientation. Monday morning we start our Italian course for two weeks. then after those two weeks we'll finally head to Florence.

I'll try to update as much as i can, but free wifi is hard to find, and paying is expensive.
i would like to also note that i think i have it set that the time for my posts are set for when i post them here...so if it say i posted them at 8 in the morning it probably was in the morning here when i posted it, not 8 in the states....i think.

k- till next time! ciao!

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