26 August 2009


  1. Hello Kelsie Jane! I am so excitted for you and to be able to follow your adventure on your blog. Looks and sounds like you are having a wonderful time! I visited my Aunt and Uncle in Rome, Italy during my Senior year of HS, and I loved it...the people are friendly and the food...well amazing comes to mind. Enjoy yourself and be sure to take it all in! TiAmo, Tina Pike :o)

  2. Kelsie,

    You already look like you're having waaaay too much fun! I truly hope you have a ball over there ... study hard and BE SAFE in all you do ... travel is twos ... stay with the group ... get your rest ... stay hydrated ... you know, all those things your mama has probably already told you ... listen to your mother, but try to have fun doing it :-)

