(I love my friends here)
this week went sooo fast. i hope things slow down soon. i don't even know what i accomplished this week. probably nothing.
Monday- class
Tuesday- class and dinner with Italian students
**our school set up a dinner that we could sign up for to eat with italian students. it was supposed to be for us to practice our italian. but we sat with a guy who spoke really good english- so he basically practiced his english. and we asked him loads and loads of questions. he was really nerdy. but nice.
afterwards, we went out for gelato with our new friends. i didn't have any money on me, but this one italian got some and let me have a few bites of his because he felt bad for me. it was the cutest thing ever. i loved them.
then we hung out on the ponte vecchio for awhile.
wednesday- painting. it rained so we were stuck inside.
thursday- class and then i went out with my friends. we got all dressed up and went to this new club that had its opening night. it was crazy packed, and hot. so we left. and i went to bed.
For one of my classes we had to go on a field trip to assisi and orvieto. i absolutely love my professor for this class. he speaks 6 different languages, wears plaid pajama looking pants, has crazy einstein hair, and talks about one thing for an hour. we had to leave at 8 because assisi is 3 hours away from school, and we didn't get back until 8 at night. it was a long day.
we started by seeing the church where St. Francis died.
then we traveled into the actual city. it's set back into the hill, and it's absolutely gorgeous! probably one of my favorite places so far (besides cinque terre). there were several cathedrals within assisi that we visited here. First, the one where St. Francis' girlfriend is buried (we saw her body- she's a saint apparantely), and second, the church where St. Francis is buried (we saw him too...really cool).
then we ate pizza. i got some postcards. and we were on our way to Orvieto
Orvieto= most beautiful church EVER
my photos probably won't do it justice, but it's aboslutely gorgeous. i wish i could've spent all day staring at it. the details are astounding. and the frescoes on the inside are fantastic.
that was basically it for orvieto.
then we headed back to firenze.
and i got pizza from gustapizza for dinner. (pizza for two meals in a day, i know. but i didn't care. i was hungry and tired).
Saturday- cutest vineyard ever
our school arranged for us to tour a vineyard, have a wine tasting, and eat an amazing meal. the view was amazing, and we learned about the process of growing each different type of grape, and how to make wine. very interesting.
lunch was so yummy. penne, beef stew, potatoes, and some kind of chocolate pudding dessert. and lots of wine. made me tired. made everyone tired.
then we headed back to firenze.
that night my friends and i went out to celebrate my friend sage's birthday. loads of fun. i have such great friends here. <3 <3 <3
today- boring. nothing to report. i did homework. haha and showered. :-D
p.s. my friend and i just booked a trip to Switzerland. soooo excited. she wants to go skydiving. i'm thinking not. she's crazy.
oct. 1st i'm going to the amalfi coast. i'll be sure to take loads of photos. :-D
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