hmmm..what's new? let me think. I'm a tourguide at the Duomo. :-D that's pretty awesome. i give my first tours this week (say a little prayer for me...i'm nervous).....
Last week i went to class as usual. in my painting class we traveled to the boboli gardens in the pitti palace. its quite a climb up to the top, but it has quite a rewarding view.
Monday night i went to a concert at the SanMichelle Church put on by the Florence strings orchestra. such a great experience. my butt hurt after sitting on the wooden pews for so long, but it was worth it. :-D
Tuesday night my roommate's family was here, so i got to meet them. Her brother and cousin came too, so we went out with them to a pub called the Fish Bowl next to the San Lorenzo church. we also went to a bar call bebop- it has live performers doing covers of different bands, and tuesday night was Beatles night. we're thinking of going back for Elvis soon. :-D
Just in case you weren't aware- Thursday was Guinness' 250th birthday...thought i'd share...
That night 2 of my roommates and a bunch of my other friends headed out for oktoberfest which just had its last weekend. So my friend Michelle (whose roommates were all gone) and I (who also was lacking in the roommate/friend department) went to a pub next to the duomo called the Old Stove. They were giving out free t-shirts and glasses. we toasted to Guinness' birthday. then went for some gelato. and we made a friend there named Josh. he was visiting Florence for the weekend.
Friday i had a field trip to Arezzo and Sansepolcro with my Early Renaissance Art class. It was so much more fun that the last one since the group was smaller (half of the class was missing- cough***oktoberfest***cough). our professor is such a wealth of information. i wish i could bring him home and let you all experience him, but thus- i cannot.
Arezzo is this amazing town set back into a hill. we got amazing pizza from this little bakery that our professor (Peter) knows and they had wine for 75 cents! unheard of! and yes- Peter insisted we get it! i sure am not at grove city anymore! they would have shook their heads.
we got to see amazing paintings by piero de francesca. absolutely beautiful! there's nothing like experiencing that type of artwork in person (slides just don't show the half of it!)
Sansepolcro is where Francesca was from and buried- so we saw more painting, got gelato and headed on our merry little ways.
Saturday Michelle and I went back to the boboli gardens to finish our paintings. it was such a beautiful day. sunny (hot). the weather has been so gorgeous!
there is also a wine festival going on right now in florence (right behind my apartment- convenient right?) I guess they have it every year- "Florence wine event". you get a cool wine glass and get to go around tasting different wines. i'm pretending i know the difference. it's quite the experience- tons of locals coming out of the woodwork, and lots of funky tourists too.
that night we went out with our new friend Josh who was spending his last night in the area. it was a sad goodbye, but i'm sure we made his time here enjoyable.
Today- continued on with the wine festival. sat on the grounds of the pitti palace doing homework sipping wine in the sunshine. it was quite an enjoyable day.
and that leads me to now.
oh yeah- i also took my first pictures of the ponte vecchio and the duomo this week. i've put it off because i wanted to get my bearings here before i spent all my time behind a camera. but now i've documented some of what i see everyday. (you're welcome....) haha
con affetto
Ah, lovely, Your post leaves me with a silly grin, I do have one complaint, how about some photos of your work my dearie, or at the very least email some to me.